Objective: Children will make signs to share the causes they care about.
Materials: Make a Mini Sign skill sheets, pencils, crayons, glue or tape, craft sticks
- Print out copies of the signs and let each child choose one. To get kids started, you can brainstorm some topics that kids might care about. Try to steer them away from topics like “more dessert” or “extra TV time” and toward more meaningful causes, such as:
- healthier school lunches
- a cleaner playground
- saving stray animals
- Then let kids choose their own topic, complete the sentence, and draw a picture to go with it. Some kids may want to write about the more “grownup” topics of today—and that’s great too! If they have the knowledge, they should share the message.
- Finally, let kids glue or tape a large craft stick to the bottom middle of the paper to complete their sign. You can hang the signs outside your classroom to show the whole school what your class cares about!
(SKILL: L.1.1 Conventions of English when writing)