Whoosh! Lesson Plan

Academic Standards


Reading Objective:

Children will examine how wind makes things move.


Science Focus:

Spring weather, Wind



SL.1.2 Discuss a video; L.1.4 Clarify words and phrases; RI.1.1 Key details; RI.1.4 Vocabulary; RI.1.10 Read and discuss first-grade texts; L.1.1 Conventions of English when writing

  • Before watching The Power of Wind, ask children about the kinds of things they see on a windy day. What things does the wind move?
  • After watching, invite children to share something new they learned about wind. Was there anything that surprised them? (SKILL: SL.1.2 Discuss a video)
  • Play the vocabulary slideshow. This issue’s featured words are disperse, blades, electricity, lift, and harsh. (SKILL: L.1.4 Clarify words and phrases).
  • Read the issue together.
  • Get kids up and moving with the Dance Break video.
  • Then project and discuss the reading checkpoint skill sheet. Later, children can fill in their own copies. (SKILL: RI.1.1 Key details)
  • Kids practice matching weather to clothing in this fun game. (SKILL: Critical thinking)
  • With this skill sheet, kids complete a chart by writing and drawing key ideas from the issue. (SKILL: RI.1.1 Key details)
  • Kids search for wind-related vocabulary words on this skill sheet. (SKILL: RI.1.4 Vocabulary)
Examples of a completed skill sheet and a drawing

Objective: Children will observe and record how wind moves things.

Materials: My Wind Walk skill sheet, pencils, crayons

  • On a windy day, pass out copies of the skill sheet. Point out the different things kids might see blowing in the wind. If you like, have kids color the pictures.
  • Then go for a walk outside and have kids circle the things they see. Alternatively, you can do the activity during outdoor time—kids can observe the wind’s effects right from the playground!
  • Back inside, have kids choose one thing they saw to write and draw about. It can be something from the skill sheet or something else. On the back of the sheet, have them describe the item and how the wind moved it, and then draw a picture. (SKILL: L.1.1 Conventions of English when writing)