Beach of Glass Lesson Plan

Academic Standards


Reading Objective:

Children will follow the process of how sea glass is formed.


Science Focus:




SL.1.2 Discuss a video; L.1.4 Clarify words and phrases; RI.1.1 Key details; L.1.1 Writing; RF.1.3 Decode words; RI.1.10 Read and discuss first-grade texts

  • Watch our video Seashore Science.
  • Then ask, “What are two things you might fi nd along a seashore?” (Answers include: shells, seagulls, crabs, jellyfi sh.) (SKILL: SL.1.2 Discuss a video)
  • Play the vocabulary slideshow. This issue’s featured word is sea glass. (SKILL: L.1.4 Clarify words and phrases).
  • Read the issue together.
  • Get kids up and moving with the Dance Break video.
  • Then project and discuss the reading checkpoint skill sheet. Later, children can fill in their own copies. (SKILL: RI.1.1 Key details)
  • Use the online game show to gauge comprehension and reinforce the issue’s content. Students can play by themselves or in teams. For each question they answer correctly, they earn a point. (SKILL: RI.1.1 Key details)
  • Kids can report on the special beach of glass with this scaffolded skill sheet. (SKILL: L.1.1 Writing)
  • Kids reveal a mystery picture as they practice sight words with this skill sheet. (SKILL: RF.1.3 Decode words)
Several painted rocks

Objective: Children will discover earth materials made smooth by wind and water.

Materials: smooth rocks and pebbles, paint, glitter (optional)

  • After reading the article, children will know that over time, water and sand rub sharp pieces of glass into smooth, shiny, treasures. Explain that something similar also happens to sharp pieces of rock. Over many years, wind and water rub against the rock. Very slowly, the edges start to smooth out. They get smoother and smoother. And some of them become smooth rocks and pebbles!
  • Go on a rock hunt with kids and challenge them to find the smoothest rocks and pebbles they can. (Alternatively, you can bring in your own supply.) Let children examine the rocks and feel their smoothness.
  • Finally, let children paint their rocks and pebbles different colors—just like smooth sea glass! If you like, add a little glitter to the paint to give it some shine. (SKILL: Scientific observation)