Objective: Children will create their own how-to texts.
Materials: Make a How-to Text skill sheets, pencils, crayons
- First, project the skill sheets and do the activity together with students. Choose a simple topic, such as “How to Draw a Picture.” Have children share their ideas as you fi ll in the sheet. Be sure to include sequencing words. You might end up writing something like this:
- First, get some crayons.
- Then, get some paper.
- Next, pick up a crayon.
- Then, push the crayon across the paper.
- Repeat with different color crayons.
- Finally, sign your name
- Now hand out copies of the skill sheets. Children can choose to write about anything they know how to do. If they need help getting started, you can brainstorm ideas on chart paper, such as how to build a snowman, how to brush your teeth, how to make a snack, or how to choose a book.
- When children are finished, display their work and encourage them to read their classmates’ instructions. They just might learn how to do something new! (SKILL: W.1.2 Write explanatory text)