Objective: Children will create a craft showing the parts of an apple.
Materials: paper plates, safety scissors, tape, markers, crayons
- Give each child a paper plate. Help children cut a semicircle out of each side. Save one to use as a leaf. Have kids use a marker or crayon to color the plate rims red, yellow, or green. Kids can draw seeds in the middle using a black marker. Now color one of the semicircles green. Attach it to the top of the apple core. Children can write labels on their finished craft, pointing out the leaf, seeds, and skin.
- If doing the activity at school, you can create a bulletin board displaying children’s work beneath this poem:
One bite, two bites, three bites, four—
All that’s left is my apple core!
- If doing it at home, copy the poem on paper and attach it to the apple core! SKILLS: How-to writing; L.1.1 Conventions of English when writing