Objective: Children will express thanks for workers through writing and drawing.
Materials: paper (regular, construction, chart, or craft), pencils, markers
- Give thanks to the community workers in your area! In class, you can write letters as a group on chart paper, one for each community worker you’d like to thank. You can use the issue for ideas on what to write. For example, you might thank sanitation workers for getting rid of trash and thank nurses for caring for people when they are sick.
- You can also write individual letters, create posters, or thank other community workers kids may know, such as crossing guards or bus drivers.
- If doing the activity at school, you can send or bring the letters to hospitals, stores, and so on. If you’re doing it at home, hang the posters on your doors or in your windows to show your appreciation! (SKILLS: Showing appreciation for others; L.1.1 Conventions of English when writing)