Objective: Children build social-emotional learning skills by helping out their family members.
Materials: skill sheet, pencils, markers
- Pass out the skill sheets and have kids cut out the coupons. Spark ideas by brainstorming ways children can help out at home. You can start with examples from the issue. For instance, children might write a coupon saying I will help you tidy up or I will help you recycle. Other examples might be I will help you with the laundry or I will help you take out the garbage. Let children draw a picture to go with their sentence.
- If doing the activity at school, send kids home with their coupons to give to family members.
- If doing the activity at home, you might challenge your child to make a coupon for each member of the household! You don’t need a printer to do the activity—children can easily create their own coupons on construction paper, plain paper, or scrap paper. (SKILLS: Showing care for others; L.1.1 Conventions of English when writing)