A guide for using our resources

Children will compare three kinds of lifeguards and identify how each is good at helping.

Vocabulary: lifeguard, calm, life jacket, drone

Health and Safety Focus: water safety

CCSS and Similar State Standards: RL.1.1 key details; RF.1.2 vowel sounds; RF.1.3 decode words; W.1.2 writing; RI.1.10 read and discuss first-grade texts; SL.1.2 ask and answer questions

Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.

Paired Text Suggestion: Bubbles . . . UP! by Jacqueline Davies

  • The beautiful illustrations and poetic storytelling of a day at the community pool will inspire students’ imaginations and appreciation for water play!

Phonics Focus: Compound Word Hunt

  • Have students circle the compound words found in each box. Are there more compound words in the red box, orange box, or green box? Words include: lifeguard, someone, something, and teamwork.

Hands-On Activity: Swimming Safety Poster

Skill: writing

Materials: Swimming Safety Poster printable, scissors, construction paper, glue, markers

  • Students will make their own posters to teach others about swimming safety!
  • Give small groups construction paper, art materials, and the Swimming Safety Poster printables. Discuss how to use the words, phrases, and images as inspiration for what to write. Kids cut and color the images for their posters.
  • Hang posters up as a reminder to stay safe during water play this summer!