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Children will compare three kinds of lifeguards and identify how each is good at helping.
Vocabulary: lifeguard, calm, life jacket, drone
Health and Safety Focus: water safety
Watch a Video:
Safe in the Surf
Read the Issue:
Can a Robot be a Lifeguard?
Play a Game: What Did the Lifeguard Say?
Skill: decode words
Complete Skill Sheets
Reading Checkpoint
Skill: key details
Color by Vowel Sound
Skill: short/long vowels
Word Search
Skill: nonfiction text features
Lesson Boosters
Paired Text Suggestion: Bubbles . . . UP! by Jacqueline Davies
Phonics Focus: Compund Word Hunt
Hands-on Activity: Swimming Safety Poster
CCSS and Similar State Standards: RL.1.1 key details; RF.1.2 vowel sounds; RF.1.3 decode words; W.1.2 writing; RI.1.10 read and discuss first-grade texts; SL.1.2 ask and answer questions
Simple, spectacular ideas to boost your lessons.
Skill: writing
Materials: Swimming Safety Poster printable, scissors, construction paper, glue, markers